Imported Water Costs

Imported Water Costs

MWD’s Skinner Filtration Plant, with a capacity of 340 MGD, serves a portion of the treated water requirement of CWA. Yuima began receiving treated water in 1991 from MWD, via the Water Authority’s pipeline facilities. Prior to this time, Yuima received raw Colorado River water. Skinner Filtration Plant was unable to serve Yuima filtered water prior to 1991 due to a needed cross-over pipeline between the filtered and the raw water lines and the lack of capacity at the plant. With the cross-over and the expansion of the plant completed in April 1991, Yuima began paying approximately $40 per acre-foot more.

In October of 2008 the CWA Board approved a two-year transitional special agricultural water rate (SAWR) for customers opting out of the Metropolitan Water District's Interim Agricultural Water Program (IAWP). As part of the phase-out of the IAWP, MWD provides IAWP customers the option of annually opting out of the program. CWA's transitional SAWR was to terminate December 31, 2010 but was extended to December 31, 2012 to coincide with the IAWP. In September of 2020 the Water Authority Board adopted the Permanent Special Agricultural Water Rate Program to be effective January 1, 2021. Water delivered to certified agricultural (PSAWR) users represent 69$ of the District's total combined water sales. Our ability to continue to meet a portion of our demand with lower cost local supplies is a major reason for the continued viability of agriculture in the District. Diversification of water supply sources reduces the District's operational risk and reliance on the SDCWA as a primary source of water supply.


Yuima Municipal Water District